Red Ventures

Choose Energy

UX Design

Product Management

UI Design

Website Development

Choose Energy is an online marketplace that allows users to find the best electricity and natural gas rates for their home or business. It is managed by the Red Ventures Power department.

what i did

When I started at Red Ventures, the various teams responsible for one website rarely worked together. After years of working in cross-departmental teams, I quickly noticed how many gaps this presented and worked to fill them. For the relaunch of Choose Energy, I worked with the content and business teams to ensure that every page was included in the design and development plans. I collaborated with designers to finalize wireframes, high-fidelity designs, and prototypes and to ensure that development had everything it needed from design. Additionally, since a large part of the relaunch was a grid that would need to be branded for and used across multiple websites, I worked with design and development to discuss the most efficient workflows for the task.

Choose Energy Home
Choose Energy Grid

lets connect
